Thursday, October 31, 2013

Vote ONLY Houser (In His Race)

Remember, vote ONLY for Houser in his race.
We know many of you strongly support Chris Houser in this election.  In order for him to win, we need voters to vote ONLY for Chris in his race (while also voting for Amy and Jeff in theirs).  If this doesn't happen, Chris may not win despite having a majority of voters supporting him.  Consider these facts...
  1. Chris is running against both Mark Benfer and Dan Braucht for two open seats.
  2. Benfer and Braucht appear together on campaign signs and literature so they can be expected to have common supporters.
  3. Each PV voter has up to two votes but does not have to use both of them.
With that in mind, take a look at this brief example.  Suppose 1,200 Penns Valley voters support Chris while 1,000 people support Benfer and Braucht.
  • If Chris's supporters vote ONLY for him, then he receives 1,200 votes while Braucht and Benfer each receive 1,000.
  • If Chris's supporters all use their second vote, then Chris would receive only 1,200 votes while Benfer and Braucht would each receive 1,600 votes (assuming the additional votes were split evenly between those two candidates).
In the first case, Chris is elected.  In the second case he isn't despite having a stronger base of support.  Remember, you don't have to use both votes and, in this case, you shouldn't.  If you strongly support Chris, vote ONLY for him!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

League of Women Voters of Centre County Video

Nearly all of the Penns Valley School Board candidates participated in an open forum on Tuesday, October 15.  The forum was hosted by the League of Women Voters of Centre County.  The forum was broadcast and recorded by CNET.  That video is now available online.

Click HERE to watch the video. (On the CNET page, click on the appropriate Index Point to jump to the PV candidates.) 

We think that Amy, Chris, and Jeff did a great job showing why they are the best choices in their respective races.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Snapshot View of Our Case for Our Candidates

You may have seen a version of this in the Penns Valley Grape Vine.  It provides a quick introduction of the candidates we are supporting and why we claim "Great Schools - Low Taxes." Please feel free to share this with others in Penns Valley.